AKYAPAK H-Beam Welding Machine. H Profile Welding Machine is designed to obtain required high quality special H profiles by welding platina parts in different sizes centered at input conveyor groups. For fast, reliable, quality results are provided under AKAYAPAK Machinery Guarantee.
Operation Procedure of the system : The Machine is stationary and the operating part is movable throught driven conveyors. The movement of the part to be turned into H profile is provided by motor+gearbox.
There are two different units of pneumatic torch connection stands on the main case. These stands move independently from each other. The hydraulic cylinders included in the system provide position of H profile part. The charging unit with hyrdaulic piston is available in the system.
90° tipping process is applied to H profile obtained from H profile welding machine by tipping stands with hydraulic piston. The system allows the use of submerged arc welding machine in parallel with the brand determined by the customer. The speed control system is activated through chargin, main case (welding part) and output tipping stands.
Optional Features
- Rear hydraulic centering unit at in-feed conveyor
- Camera system
- Motorized welding head slides